Resuming day care operations
Dear parents
It is a very special feeling to know that we are resuming day care operations after two and a half months. Thank you for placing your faith in us to keep your children under our care during this time. We will make every effort to do our utmost to maintain health and safety during this time. In doing so, we may need to adjust to a few changes in the best interest of the children and our staff.
- The most important fact is to ensure honesty regarding any prevailing health conditions of your child. We will not be able to accomodate any child with fever, cough or cold. This is one area we will not be able to compromise.
- We also encourage parents to inform us if your child is sick even if you are not sending to day care for records purposes.
- It is encouraged that the same adults drop and pick the child from day care as we need to limit visitors as much as possible. Grandparents are discouraged from dropping and picking as this is a group that could be very vulnerable in the current situation. Please avoid/minimise other stops on your way to day care to drop and pick in order to minimize exposure.
- For understandable reasons, please send the change of clothes, bed linen and towels on a daily basis until further notice. We will return these items daily to you. Best to have an alternate set of towels and bed linen so that you can send it on alternative days.
- Meals will continue to be provided. We have informed PHI the process followed in meal preparation and sterizing of utensils like plates, cups etc.
However, if you have any discomfort in this process, please feel free to send items from home. Please inform me via text if you are sending meals/utensils from home.
(6) Please make arrangements to pick your children at the earliest convenience time as transport arrangements are still not back to normal 100%. We are also providing transport to our staff to minimise risk.
(7) Please note that face mask is not compulsory. We will need to apply a common sense approach and get child to wear the mask only if the situation calls for it (sudden cough, crowd interaction etc). We will however, actively teach the child on what occasions they should be mindful of the face mask.
(8) Please read the government guidelines which I have already circulated in detail and familiarize yourselves with the said guidelines especially those under “parent responsibilities”
We look forward to your usual cooperation in ensuring that we together overcome the hurdles we may have to endure in the near future even if it means going through some inconvenience.
Once again, thank you for placing your faith in us. It means alot.
Warmest regards
Team CeeBees